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The Generation Game

2 June 2023
| by Field Team

With a newly politicised generation of millennials, Think Tank Onward has conducted a study into the political tendencies of this rapidly growing electoral group. The Field Team dissects the surprising findings of this below and paints a picture of the political landscape which has for too long turned its back on young people.

There have long been stereotypes about millennials. In the past, it has often been said that more young people voted in the X Factor than in a General Election. Then with the rise of social media, the generation seemed to morph into being more engaged with social and political issues than ever thought possible.


There are various deeply ingrained perceptions of millennials that have endured, with the term “snowflakes” being particularly resonant, highlighting their perceived hypersensitivity and inclination to take offense. However, for most of you who at least know a young person, this has likely always presented an incomplete picture.


This week, a thought-provoking study conducted by the think tank Onward was published, delving into the political inclinations of millennials who are now in the late 20s to early 40s age range, set to outnumber baby boomers as the largest electoral group. The least surprising yet most concerning finding for the Tories is that millennials are not becoming more conservative as they age. The prize finding however, discovered that millennials are more sceptical than the average population when it comes to the government redistributing income, instead prioritizing tax reductions over the social justice they are often associated with.

Young people out there will understand precisely why. Graduates who completed their studies after 2012 face a marginal tax rate of 41% for basic-rate taxpayers or 51% for higher-rate taxpayers. This burden adds to the myriad challenges millennials already contend with, including costly childcare, skyrocketing rents, the bleak prospect of never owning a home, and the same painful food and fuel price increases experienced by everyone.

There has been a notion that young people have been excessively influenced by “woke” ideology during their university years, rendering them unlikely to support the Conservative Party. However, the truth is that millennials possess the same inherent conservative inclinations as most individuals—a desire to own property, achieve financial stability, and establish the foundation for starting a family. The political establishment has turned its back on young people, so neither party should expect much goodwill when attempting to win them over.

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